पुस्तक Face2face - मध्यवर्ती - यूनिट 4 - 4ए
यहां आपको फेस2फेस इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 4 - 4ए की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "ट्रैक", "ऑनस्टेज", "एनकोर", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer
डाउनलोड करना
a musical piece or song recorded on a CD, tape, or vinyl record
गीत, ट्रैक
a list that ranks top pop records based on sales in a particular period
चार्ट, सूची
used when an event or performance is happening at the present moment or being broadcast in real-time
सीधे, वास्तविक समय में
the area of a theater where performers act or sing in front of an audience
मंच पर, कार्यक्रम में
a series of sounds made by instruments or voices, arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to
a performance of live music, comedy, or other entertainment, usually by one or more performers in front of an audience
कंसर्ट, प्रदर्शन
someone who greatly admires or is interested in someone or something
प्रशंसक, अनुगामी
a group of people who come together for a particular purpose, often because they share common interests or beliefs
समूह, बैंड
to make a movie, music, etc. available to the public
रिहा करना, जारी करना
a CD or a musical record that has only one main song, often released separately from an album to promote it
सिंगल, एकल
a number of music pieces or songs sold as a single item, normally on a CD or the internet
एल्बम, डिस्क
traveling and performing in multiple locations for a specific period of time, typically in the music or entertainment industry
an additional or repeated piece that is performed at the end of a concert, because the audience has asked for it
बिस, भर
a small disc on which audio or other formats are recorded and could be played back by a player or computer using laser
संपीड़ित डिस्क, सीडी