पुस्तक Insight - मध्यवर्ती - शब्दावली अंतर्दृष्टि 7
यहां आपको इनसाइट इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में शब्दावली इनसाइट 7 के शब्द मिलेंगे, जैसे "ग्लेयर", "डिफरेंशियेट", "उटर", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
each of two or more words with the same spelling or pronunciation that vary in meaning and origin
समानार्थक शब्द
(grammar) one of two or more words with the same pronunciation that differ in meaning, spelling or origin
समान ध्वनि वाला शब्द
to pay attention and become aware of a particular thing or person
ध्यान देना
to recognize and mentally separate two things, people, etc.
a person of the same age, social status, or capability as another specified individual
समान आयु का व्यक्ति
to look closely or attentively at something, often in an effort to see or understand it better
गौर से देखना
a long platform built from the shore into the sea that people can go for entertainment or a walk
to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation
to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression
to allow the presence of an unpleasant person, thing, or situation without complaining or giving up
सहन करना
a steady and sharp stare that conveys anger, disapproval, or hostility
कड़क नज़र
to recognize the difference present between two people or things
भेद करना
to consider something or someone important and to have a feeling of worry or concern toward them
देखभाल करना
a challenge or circumstance, typically encountered while trying to reach a goal or finish something
the act of breathing noisily, especially when one has a cold or respiratory illness
to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep
खर्राटे लेना
to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby
to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts
जांच करना