विस्मयादिबोधक शब्द - समझौते के हस्तक्षेप
इन अंतःक्षेपों का उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब वक्ता यह दिखाना चाहता है कि वे किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या कथन के विचारों या मूल्यों को साझा करते हैं।
समीक्षा करें
used to express concurrence or approval with a statement, suggestion, or decision

सहमति।, मान लिया।

used to emphasize agreement with a statement or assertion because it aligns with undeniable truths or commonly accepted realities

तथ्य।, यह सच है।

used to express agreement or empathy with a statement or situation that resonates with one's current feelings or sentiments

मूड।, भावना।

used to acknowledge agreement or express a similar sentiment with a statement or experience expressed by someone else

मैं भी।, वही।

used to express approval, agreement, or admiration for a person, idea, or action that aligns with one's own beliefs, values, or principles

सही है।, यह सच है।

used to show enthusiastic agreement or affirmation, especially in response to someone's passionate or insightful statement

प्रचार करो!, बिलकुल!

used to convey affirmation, agreement, or acknowledgment of what has been said

बिलकुल!, सहमत!

used to signify agreement, affirmation, or endorsement of a statement, idea, or sentiment

गिरजाएँ!, आमीन!

used to express agreement, confirmation, or acknowledgment of a statement or sentiment

वैसा ही, इसी तरह

used to express enthusiastic agreement or approval of a statement, sentiment, or idea

मैं इस पर पी लूँगा!, मैं इसके लिए पियूंगा!

used to show one's complete agreement with something, particularly in a speech

सुनिए!, बिल्कुल सही!