Állatok - Vízimadarak
Itt megtanulhatja a vízimadarak angol nyelvű neveit, például "pelikán", "sirály" és "flamingó".
a wading bird with mottled brown plumage, known for its booming call, and its ability to blend into marshland habitats

Bitec, Békafark

a small, slender gray-and-white bird in the family Laridae, with angular wings and a red beak

arktiszi csér, arktikus csér

a large Eurasian wader of the sandpiper family with red legs and a long bill

vörös lábú, vöröslábú

a small seabird with long wings that is tube-nosed and can fly a long distance from land


a large water bird with a long beak and a throat pouch that has grayish white plumage


a large bird of the heron family that lives near water and has white feathers that get long during the breeding season

egret, bóbitás

a plover that has a large crest, black-and-white feathers and a wailing cry, with an irregular wingbeat

pávaszem, zöldfakopáncs

a very large white seabird with long narrow wings found mainly in Southern Ocean and North Pacific


a common North American wild goose with a black head and neck and a brown body

Kanadai liba, kanadai lúd

a small North Pacific seabird with black and white plumage and a narrow bill that nests on cliffs

guillemot, guillemot-típus

a large bird with long legs and neck that lives near water and flies with its neck outstretched


a small cliff-nesting seabird with grayish white plumage that lives in large colonies

hármasujjú sirály, kittiwake

a black-and-white shorebird with red eyes and a strong orange bill that feeds on shellfish


an aquatic bird that can also dive underwater, with a long neck, lobed toes and a crest

nyakú madár, tökéletes madár

a mid-sized oceanic bird of the petrel family with long wings that flies close to the water

böjti, vándorló

a freshwater Eurasian bird, the male of which has a ring of colored feathers around its neck

ruff, madár ruff

a tropical seabird with dark plumage and a long hooked beak, the male of which has a red inflatable throat pouch

frigátapapagáj, frigátnak

a colonial seabird originally from the North Atlantic with a beak that resembles a razor

borotvaál, tengeri madár

a bird with short legs and a wide beak that naturally lives near or on water or is kept by humans for its eggs, meat, or feathers

kacsa, liba

a shorebird with long legs and a long soft-tipped bill that feeds on coastal creatures

partifecske, tengerszan

a small North American bird of the duck family that dives and swims in the streams to find food


a short-tailed seabird with white plumage and gray wings that has a tube nose

fulmar, tubásorrú madár

a web-footed aquatic bird of the cormorant family with dark green plumage and a unique crest

kormorán, shag

a large aquatic bird with long legs and neck, pink plumage and a broad bill curved downward that lives near warm waters


a small shorebird with a long beak, a short neck and brown plumage that is similar to a sandpiper

dunlin, parti madár

a large brownish seabird that feeds on the fish which it sometimes steals from other birds that are carrying it

skua, tengeri madár

a large bird of passage with a long downcurved bill and a two-note call

gólyatövény, góly

an Australian kingfisher that feeds on ground prey, has brownish plumage and a call like a laughter


a wading bird with long legs and a long bill and neck, often nesting on high buildings


an aquatic bird originated in North America and Eurasia that dives to catch fish and has a laughing call

búvár, gördülő

a small marine bird of the gull family with a slender build and narrow pointed wings

csér, madár

any shorebird with long legs that dives into water in search of food

lábnyílvány, lábnyíl

a long-legged wading bird with a downcurved bill that lives near warm waters

ibis, ibis (vizes madár)

a large tropical seabird with brightly colored feet, that is closely related to gannets

bóbitás madár, bóbi

a large northern bird of the lapwing family that has a crest and grayish green plumage

fekete gólya, fehér gólya

a small bird with a large crested head, orange and blue plumage and a long beak that uses to catch fish

halászsas, királyi madár

a small northern seabird with a large colorful beak and black-and-white color that dives to find food

puffin, tengeri papagáj

a Eurasian shorebird of the sandpiper family that lives in wet woodlands and is often hunted as game bird

fácán, tollas

a waterbird with webbed feet, a long neck, and short beak, which is like a large duck


a wading bird with a long neck and long legs that has a pointed bill and soft grayish white plumage


a large aquatic bird with dark feathers, webbed feet, a hooked bill and a throat pouch


a large pinkish wading bird with long legs and a beak that is wide and flat at the end


a seabird characterized by its compact body, short wings, and webbed feet, adapted for diving and swimming underwater

auk, tengerisíp

a small and colorful duck of the genus Anas, known for its vibrant plumage and agile nature

teal kacsa, zöldeskék kacsa

a species of dabbling duck characterized by its vibrant plumage, including an iridescent green head, yellow bill, and rich chestnut breast

hénkacsa, tölgyméb

a medium-sized dabbling duck characterized by the distinctive chestnut head and creamy-yellow crown

fekete réce, wigeon

an avian species found exclusively in New Zealand, recognized by its distinctively curved bill that bends to one side

wrybill, görbén csőrű madár

a large shorebird with a long, straight bill that is found in coastal areas throughout the Americas

willet, nagy partimadár

a migratory wading bird with a down-curved bill, found in wetlands and coastal areas around the world

táska, szürke táska

a large bird known for its impressive stature, resonant vocalizations, and distinctive trumpet-like calls


a graceful seabird with a sleek white body, bold black markings, and long, flowing tail streamers, found in warm tropical regions

trópusi madár, tropikus madár

a medium-sized shorebird with a slender body, long legs, and a long, slightly decurved bill, known for its distinctive "tattling" call

tattler, pletyka

a medium-sized shorebird with mottled brown plumage, black markings, and a strong beak


a small bird with a long body, short wings, and strong legs, typically found in marshy or wetland habitats

Rádló, Rádlók

a vibrant and colorful bird found in wetlands, characterized by its purple-blue plumage, red bill, and yellow-tipped green legs

Lila vízinyúl, Jácint gém

old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs; closely related to the coursers


a small, migratory shorebird known for its unique feeding behavior of spinning in circles on the water's surface to stir up prey and its striking breeding plumage


a large, wading bird with a distinctive appearance, characterized by its long, bare neck, gray plumage, and powerful bill


a unique bird species with a long neck, brown plumage, and a loud, distinct call


a migratory shorebird known for its distinctive plumage and its ability to form dense flocks along coastal areas during its annual migrations

Partimadár, Kóbor

a medium-sized plover characterized by its brownish upper body, white underparts, and distinctive black bands across its chest and head

killdeer, killi

a type of small, short-billed sandpiper bird that is widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere

süvöltő, ölyv

a long-billed, migratory shorebird species found in temperate and cold regions of the world

bíbic, partifecske

a medium-sized migratory shorebird with a long, straight bill and a distinctive reddish-brown or grayish-brown plumage

híjászó, békászó

a type of aquatic bird characterized by its long neck, slender body, and sharp bill

gázlómadár, anhinga

a small waterbird with a rounded body, red eyes, and notable diving skills, known for its trilling calls

bóbitás vízinövény, bíbic

a small bird characterized by its short wings, long toes, and elusive nature, often found skulking through dense vegetation

gyeprét, sárga

a small migratory shorebird with a slender body, short bill, and long legs, known for its remarkable long-distance flights

partifecske, mocsári fecske

a tall wading bird with long legs, a slender body, and a distinctively long neck, typically found in wetland habitats

gém, csöndesibolya

a small, secretive migratory bird with brown and black plumage, found in wetlands across North and Central America


a small wading bird of the sandpiper family with a long straight bill, brown plumage and a slender build

gém, csónakos

a bird with a unique feeding technique, characterized by its long, narrow wings and lower bill that is longer than the upper bill

tollász, skimmer