
Állatok - A madarak anatómiája

Itt megtanulhat néhány, a madarak anatómiájával kapcsolatos szót angolul, mint például a „talon”, „beak” és „wing”.









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Words Related to Animals

any of the two parts of the body of a bird, insect, etc. used for flying



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a membrane that connects the toes of certain aquatic birds, such as ducks and coots, enabling them to swim with greater ease

hártya, hálószerű anyag

hártya, hálószerű anyag

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a colorful and usually red lobe that hangs from the head or neck of a bird

fésű, hurkos

fésű, hurkos

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the rectum or external opening in some animals, such as a fish, bird, etc., through which waste is passed

ventil, anusz

ventil, anusz

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a long, sharp nail on the foot of some birds, especially birds of prey

köröm, karm

köröm, karm

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a pointed extension of bone that grows from the leg or foot and is used for defense, mating rituals, or establishing dominance within a social group

sarkantyú, tüske

sarkantyú, tüske

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wing tip

the outermost part of a bird's wing that includes the primary feathers and contributes to the bird's flight maneuverability and stability

szárnycsúcs, szárny vége

szárnycsúcs, szárny vége

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a decorative and frilled collar-like structure made of feathers or hair that encircles the neck of a bird

ruff, gallér

ruff, gallér

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the lower or upper part of a bird's beak

állkapocs, kiskönyv

állkapocs, kiskönyv

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the muscular part of a bird's digestive system with thick walls that grinds the food for a better digestion

gyomor, zúz

gyomor, zúz

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a prominent feature exhibited by some birds on their heads, consisting of feathers, fur, or skin

taréj, toll

taréj, toll

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a fleshy, often brightly colored, crest located on top of the head of certain bird species

taréj, fésű

taréj, fésű

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a distinct ring, band, or marking around the neck or throat area of an animal

nyakörv, gallér

nyakörv, gallér

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a fleshy, comb-like growth on top of the head of certain domestic roosters and other bird species

kakasfark, kakasláb

kakasfark, kakasláb

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the front part of a bird's or a mammal's body

mell, mellkas

mell, mellkas

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a hard curved jaw of a bird, especially a wide or slender one

csőr, számla

csőr, számla

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the hard or pointed part of a bird's mouth

csőr, fej

csőr, fej

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a Y-shaped bone between the neck and breast of a bird

kivágócsont, vágycsont

kivágócsont, vágycsont

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a sharp and curved nail on the toe of an animal or a bird

karma, köröm

karma, köröm

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the long erectile feather or hair in the neck area of some birds and mammals such as dogs

régi főnök, örpegombo

régi főnök, örpegombo

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a pouch in a bird's throat that is used for storing and digesting food

körömön, természet

körömön, természet

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the region of feathers covering the upper back, shoulders, and base of the wings

palást, tollazat

palást, tollazat

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covert feather

a type of small, fluffy feather that covers the base of a bird's larger flight feathers, providing insulation and helping to streamline the bird's wing shape

eltakaró toll, fedőtoll

eltakaró toll, fedőtoll

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flight feather

any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird

repülő toll, szárny toll

repülő toll, szárny toll

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the feathers on the underside of a bird's wing, which can have distinctive patterns and colors that are often visible in flight

alsó szárnytoll, alsó szárnyfedés

alsó szárnytoll, alsó szárnyfedés

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lesser coverts

the small feathers on a bird's wing that cover the larger feathers and help the bird fly better

kisebb fedőpihék, kisebb takaró

kisebb fedőpihék, kisebb takaró

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a small feather that covers the base of a bigger feather on the wings or tail, helping the bird to fly better by keeping it warm and streamlined

fedőtojó, takarótojó

fedőtojó, takarótojó

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a feather on the wing that helps with stability and maneuverability during flight. It's located between the flight feathers and the bird's body

terciális, harmadlagos toll

terciális, harmadlagos toll

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the main and longest feathers on a bird's wing that help it fly

elsődleges tollak, fő tollak

elsődleges tollak, fő tollak

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the lower part of the leg, located between the shank and the foot, providing support and flexibility for perching and walking

tarsus, lábfej

tarsus, lábfej

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a line of color that goes across or behind the eye of a bird, making the bird's eye and facial features more noticeable

szemcsík, szemsáv

szemcsík, szemsáv

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a glandular organ found in the digestive system of birds that functions in the initial breakdown of food before it enters the stomach



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