Animales - Aves Acuáticas
Aquí aprenderás los nombres de las aves acuáticas en inglés. Lea la lista completa para saber más.
Tarjetas de memoria
a wading bird with mottled brown plumage, known for its booming call, and its ability to blend into marshland habitats

Agarrobo, Bittern

a small, slender gray-and-white bird in the family Laridae, with angular wings and a red beak

gaviotín ártico
a large Eurasian wader of the sandpiper family with red legs and a long bill

archibebe común
a small seabird with long wings that is tube-nosed and can fly a long distance from land

a large water bird with a long beak and a throat pouch that has grayish white plumage

a large bird of the heron family that lives near water and has white feathers that get long during the breeding season

a plover that has a large crest, black-and-white feathers and a wailing cry, with an irregular wingbeat

a very large white seabird with long narrow wings found mainly in Southern Ocean and North Pacific

a common North American wild goose with a black head and neck and a brown body

barnacla canadiense
a small North Pacific seabird with black and white plumage and a narrow bill that nests on cliffs

arao aliblanco
a large bird with long legs and neck that lives near water and flies with its neck outstretched

a small cliff-nesting seabird with grayish white plumage that lives in large colonies

a black-and-white shorebird with red eyes and a strong orange bill that feeds on shellfish

an aquatic bird that can also dive underwater, with a long neck, lobed toes and a crest

a mid-sized oceanic bird of the petrel family with long wings that flies close to the water

a freshwater Eurasian bird, the male of which has a ring of colored feathers around its neck

a tropical seabird with dark plumage and a long hooked beak, the male of which has a red inflatable throat pouch

a colonial seabird originally from the North Atlantic with a beak that resembles a razor

alca común
a bird with short legs and a wide beak that naturally lives near or on water or is kept by humans for its eggs, meat, or feathers

a shorebird with long legs and a long soft-tipped bill that feeds on coastal creatures

a small North American bird of the duck family that dives and swims in the streams to find food

mirlo acuático
a short-tailed seabird with white plumage and gray wings that has a tube nose

a web-footed aquatic bird of the cormorant family with dark green plumage and a unique crest

a large aquatic bird with long legs and neck, pink plumage and a broad bill curved downward that lives near warm waters

a small shorebird with a long beak, a short neck and brown plumage that is similar to a sandpiper

playero común
a large brownish seabird that feeds on the fish which it sometimes steals from other birds that are carrying it

an Australian kingfisher that feeds on ground prey, has brownish plumage and a call like a laughter

a wading bird with long legs and a long bill and neck, often nesting on high buildings

an aquatic bird originated in North America and Eurasia that dives to catch fish and has a laughing call

a small marine bird of the gull family with a slender build and narrow pointed wings

a large tropical seabird with brightly colored feet, that is closely related to gannets

a large northern bird of the lapwing family that has a crest and grayish green plumage

a small bird with a large crested head, orange and blue plumage and a long beak that uses to catch fish

martín pescador
a small northern seabird with a large colorful beak and black-and-white color that dives to find food

a Eurasian shorebird of the sandpiper family that lives in wet woodlands and is often hunted as game bird

a waterbird with webbed feet, a long neck, and short beak, which is like a large duck

a wading bird with a long neck and long legs that has a pointed bill and soft grayish white plumage

a large aquatic bird with dark feathers, webbed feet, a hooked bill and a throat pouch

a large pinkish wading bird with long legs and a beak that is wide and flat at the end

a seabird characterized by its compact body, short wings, and webbed feet, adapted for diving and swimming underwater

pájaro buceador, alcaudón

a small and colorful duck of the genus Anas, known for its vibrant plumage and agile nature

pato verdeazulado, pato zambullidor

a large bird that is normally white, has a long neck and lives on or around water

a species of dabbling duck characterized by its vibrant plumage, including an iridescent green head, yellow bill, and rich chestnut breast

ánade real, pato real

a medium-sized dabbling duck characterized by the distinctive chestnut head and creamy-yellow crown

silbón, pato wigeon

an avian species found exclusively in New Zealand, recognized by its distinctively curved bill that bends to one side

wrybill, pájaro de pico torcida

a large shorebird with a long, straight bill that is found in coastal areas throughout the Americas

willet, playero grande

a migratory wading bird with a down-curved bill, found in wetlands and coastal areas around the world

zarapito, zarapito trinador

a large bird known for its impressive stature, resonant vocalizations, and distinctive trumpet-like calls


a graceful seabird with a sleek white body, bold black markings, and long, flowing tail streamers, found in warm tropical regions

pájaro de tropico, pájaro de cola de tirabuzón

a medium-sized shorebird with a slender body, long legs, and a long, slightly decurved bill, known for its distinctive "tattling" call

tattler, tímido

a medium-sized shorebird with mottled brown plumage, black markings, and a strong beak

ave de surf

a small bird with a long body, short wings, and strong legs, typically found in marshy or wetland habitats

Rascón, Rascones

a vibrant and colorful bird found in wetlands, characterized by its purple-blue plumage, red bill, and yellow-tipped green legs

Gallinule púrpura, Gallinule morado

old World shorebird with long pointed wings and short legs; closely related to the coursers


a small, migratory shorebird known for its unique feeding behavior of spinning in circles on the water's surface to stir up prey and its striking breeding plumage


a large, wading bird with a distinctive appearance, characterized by its long, bare neck, gray plumage, and powerful bill


a unique bird species with a long neck, brown plumage, and a loud, distinct call


a migratory shorebird known for its distinctive plumage and its ability to form dense flocks along coastal areas during its annual migrations

Arenque, Correlimos

a medium-sized plover characterized by its brownish upper body, white underparts, and distinctive black bands across its chest and head

chorlito, chorlito voltiguero

a type of small, short-billed sandpiper bird that is widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere

agachadiza, agachadiza común

a long-billed, migratory shorebird species found in temperate and cold regions of the world

aguja, aguja en punta

a medium-sized migratory shorebird with a long, straight bill and a distinctive reddish-brown or grayish-brown plumage

aguaitaca, chorlito

a type of aquatic bird characterized by its long neck, slender body, and sharp bill

anhinga, cormorán

a small waterbird with a rounded body, red eyes, and notable diving skills, known for its trilling calls

zampullín, grácil de agua

a small bird characterized by its short wings, long toes, and elusive nature, often found skulking through dense vegetation

rascón, cerceta

a small migratory shorebird with a slender body, short bill, and long legs, known for its remarkable long-distance flights

playero, décano

a tall wading bird with long legs, a slender body, and a distinctively long neck, typically found in wetland habitats

cigüeña, zancuda

a small, secretive migratory bird with brown and black plumage, found in wetlands across North and Central America


a small wading bird of the sandpiper family with a long straight bill, brown plumage and a slender build

a bird with a unique feeding technique, characterized by its long, narrow wings and lower bill that is longer than the upper bill

esquimal, skimmer