Megjelenés - A megjelenéshez kapcsolódó szavak
Itt megtudhat néhány, a megjelenéssel kapcsolatos angol szót, mint például a "countenance", "allure" és "charm".
a specific look on someone's face, indicating what they are feeling or thinking

kifejezés, arckifejezés

a particular expression on someone's face or the impression that someone or something creates in the eyes of others

egy pillantás, egy kifejezés

the process of changing a person's appearance or style in order to improve how they look

átalakulás, átalakítás

the shape of a person's body, particularly a woman, when it is considered appealing

alaktófusz, alak

the natural color and appearance of someone's skin, especially the face

bőrárnyalat, szín

the state or condition of a person's physical alignment, balance, and coordination

tartás, helyzet

a compelling charm or attractiveness that inspires devotion and enthusiasm in others


a person's physical appearance, particularly those features that are considered attractive or aesthetically pleasing

jó megjelenés, vonzó külső

a quality of grace, style, and refinement in appearance, behavior, or design


a quality of beauty and charm, often associated with a person's physical appearance

szépség, báj

an intangible quality that makes someone or something attractive, appealing, or intriguing, but which is difficult to describe or define

leírhatatlan vonás, mekegő varázs