Könyv: English File - Haladó - 8A lecke
Itt megtalálja az angol File Intermediate tankönyv 8A leckéjének szókészletét, például „munkanélküli”, „elbocsátott”, „előléptetés” stb.
to do a job or task, usually for a company or organization, in order to receive money
dolgozni, munkát végezni
to establish a fresh entity, such as a company, system, or organization
megalapítani, beállítani
without a job and seeking employment
munkanélküli, álláskereső
to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.
pályázni, igényelni
an amount of money we receive for doing our job, usually monthly
a person who is in charge of a large organization or has an important position there
főnök, igazgató
(dummy verb) to perform an action that is specified by a noun
csinálni, végrehajtani
to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.
lemond, távozik
to leave your job and stop working, usually on reaching a certain age
nyugdíjba vonul, visszavonul
to own, manage, or organize something such as a business, campaign, a group of animals, etc.
irányítani, vezetni
surpassing what is needed or required, and so, no longer of use
felesleges, túlzott
the time that a person is required to be working or present at work
munkavégzés, munkaidő
an individual who works independently without having a long-term contract with companies
szabadúszó, független munkavállaló
working less hours than what is standard or customary
working for oneself rather than for another
önálló, szabadúszó
an individual who is employed for a limited time
ideiglenes munkavállaló, ideiglenes