Könyv: Headway - Középhaladó - 3. egység
Itt találja a Headway előközépfokú tankönyv 3. részében szereplő szókészletet, például „álom”, „suttog”, „bűnösen” stb.
a series of images, feelings, or events happening in one's mind during sleep
to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby
suttogni, mormogni
to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface
mászni, lopakodni
to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.
kimenni, elhagyni
furniture we use to sleep on that normally has a frame and mattress
to take air into one's lungs and let it out again
lélegezni, belélegezni
in significant amounts or to a high extent
jelentősen, súlyosan
in manner or situation that requires prompt action or attention due to its pressing nature
sürgősen, haladéktalanul
producing or having a lot of loud and unwanted sound
zajos, hangos
in a way that makes too much sound or disturbance
zajos módon, hangosan
giving attention or thought to what we are doing to avoid doing something wrong, hurting ourselves, or damaging something
óvatos, figyelmes
needing little skill or effort to do or understand
könnyű, egyszerű
to the greatest amount or extent possible
teljesen, totálisan
capable of using a language easily and properly
folyékony, zökkenőmentes
in an easy, effortless, and correct manner
folyékonyan, könnyedén
in a manner that reflects a sense of wrongdoing or being at fault
bűntudatosan, bűntudattal
in small amounts over a long period of time
fokozatosan, lassan
having a high speed when doing something, especially moving
gyors, fürge