Das Buch Headway - Untere Mittelstufe - Einheit 3
Hier finden Sie das Vokabular aus Einheit 3 im Headway Pre-Intermediate-Kursbuch, wie zum Beispiel „Traum“, „Flüstern“, „Schuldig“ usw.
a series of images, feelings, or events happening in one's mind during sleep
to speak very softly or quietly, usually to avoid being overheard by others who are nearby
flüstern, raunen
to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface
kriechen, schleichen
in manner or situation that requires prompt action or attention due to its pressing nature
dringend, eilig
giving attention or thought to what we are doing to avoid doing something wrong, hurting ourselves, or damaging something
capable of using a language easily and properly
fließend, sprachgewandt
in a manner that reflects a sense of wrongdoing or being at fault
schuldig, mit Schuldgefühl