to delay or avoid making a decision to gain time
halaszt, tactikázik
to plan something before it happens
előre elrendelni, meghatározni
(theology) divine preordaining or predetermination of events or outcomes before they occur
előre meghatározás, meghatározott sors
the first piece of fabric used on a boat or ship to catch the wind and help it move
elülső vitorla, elővitorla
to know or predict something before it happens
előre lát, előre jelez
the area of the beach that lies between the highest and lowest points reached by the tide
partvidék, tengerparti sáv
to predict or say in advance what will happen in the future
jósolni, előre jelezni
a job in the Church that comes with property and money in exchange for looking after the people
haszon, juttatás
having a positive effect or helpful result
jótékony, hasznos
a person who receives money or benefits
kedvezményezett, haszonélvező
a person who gives money or support to help others
jótékony, adományozó