to cause to be in love or infatuated by someone or something
beleszeretni, elbűvölni
to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong
utál, megvet
to direct the execution of an examination and monitor the students
felügyelni, irányítani
to make an ongoing loud or ringing noise; especially that of metal being hit
zúg, zeng
to criticize or attack on someone with harsh words
túlságosan kritizál, támadni
to make an effort to achieve a goal or complete a task
törekedni, próbálkozni
to express one's disagreement, refusal, or reluctance
vonakodni, ellenezni
to obtain something, especially through effort or skill
beszerezni, megszerezni
to style one's hair in an attractive manner
frizurázni, hajformázni
(particularly related to money) to gradually increase in amount or number
felhalmozni, növekedni
to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements
manőverezni, irányítani
to make a light repeated sound, especially by tapping on something
kopogni, takarni
to brutally kill a large number of people
megpusztítani, kiirtani
to confidently state or declare something as true
állítani, kijelenteni
to cause something to become weak or less effective
gyengít, károsít
to dry up or shrink, typically due to a loss of moisture
el hervad, összezsugorodik