
Dovednosti s SAT Slovy 5 - Lekce 6









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SAT Word Skills 5
to enamor

to cause to be in love or infatuated by someone or something

zamilovat, uchvátit

zamilovat, uchvátit

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to abhor

to hate a behavior or way of thought, believing that it is morally wrong

opovrhovat, hnusit

opovrhovat, hnusit

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to proctor

to direct the execution of an examination and monitor the students

dozřívat, provádět

dozřívat, provádět

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to clangour

to make an ongoing loud or ringing noise; especially that of metal being hit

zvonit, hučet

zvonit, hučet

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to devour

to destroy or demolish entirely

zničit, rozpadnout

zničit, rozpadnout

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to belabor

to criticize or attack on someone with harsh words

kritizovat, útočit

kritizovat, útočit

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to endeavor

to make an effort to achieve a goal or complete a task

vynakládat úsilí, snažit se

vynakládat úsilí, snažit se

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to demur

to express one's disagreement, refusal, or reluctance

odmítat, vznášet námitku

odmítat, vznášet námitku

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to procure

to obtain something, especially through effort or skill

získat, pořídit

získat, pořídit

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to coiffure

to style one's hair in an attractive manner

učesat, styling

učesat, styling

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to accrue

(particularly related to money) to gradually increase in amount or number

akumulovat, navyšovat se

akumulovat, navyšovat se

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to maneuver

to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements

manévrovat, navigovat

manévrovat, navigovat

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to clamber

to climb a surface using hands and feet

šplhat, vstoupit

šplhat, vstoupit

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to patter

to make a light repeated sound, especially by tapping on something

klepat, ťukat

klepat, ťukat

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to welter

to be soaked in liquid, especially blood

zmočit, utopit se

zmočit, utopit se

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to massacre

to brutally kill a large number of people

masakrovat, vyvraždit

masakrovat, vyvraždit

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to aver

to confidently state or declare something as true

tvrdit, prohlašovat

tvrdit, prohlašovat

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to impair

to cause something to become weak or less effective

oslabení, omezit

oslabení, omezit

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to wither

to dry up or shrink, typically due to a loss of moisture

wilt, vadnout

wilt, vadnout

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