
Fogalmak és Érzések - Hit és vallás

Fedezze fel az angol közmondásokat, amelyek a hitet és a vallást ábrázolják, beleértve a „bűn zsoldja a halál” és a „ne ölj”.







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Notions & Feelings
the wages of sin is death

used to imply that engaging in immoral or sinful behavior leads to negative consequences, which may be fatal or result in spiritual death or separation from God

a bűn zsoldja a halál

a bűn zsoldja a halál

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begin to weave and God will give the thread

used to suggest that taking action and starting a project or pursuing a goal is the most important step, and that the necessary resources and support will come as one goes along

kezdj el szőni, és Isten megadja a fonalat

kezdj el szőni, és Isten megadja a fonalat

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the danger past, and God forgotten

used to criticize people who only seek divine help during times of crisis but do not maintain a consistent practice of faith or spirituality

faith can move mountains

used to emphasize the power of strong faith and belief in oneself, as it can overcome seemingly impossible challenges and enable individuals to accomplish difficult tasks

a hit hegyeket tud mozgatni

a hit hegyeket tud mozgatni

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family that prays together stays together

used to suggest that shared faith and spirituality can strengthen family bonds and promote a sense of togetherness and support

az együtt imádkozó család együtt marad

az együtt imádkozó család együtt marad

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the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction

used to imply that being open to instruction and willing to learn leads to gaining knowledge and understanding, while rejecting wisdom and being closed-minded is foolish and hinders growth

az Úr félelme a tudás kezdete, de a bolondok megvetik a bölcsességet és a tanítást

az Úr félelme a tudás kezdete, de a bolondok megvetik a bölcsességet és a tanítást

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put your trust in god, and keep your powder dry

used to highlight the importance of balance between relying on higher powers and taking responsible action

bízz Istenben, és tartsd szárazon a porodat

bízz Istenben, és tartsd szárazon a porodat

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there but for the grace of God go I

used to express a sense of humility and gratitude, acknowledging that one's circumstances could have been different if not for the benevolence or favor of a higher power

ott, de Isten kegyelméért megyek

ott, de Isten kegyelméért megyek

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thou shalt not kill

used to promote the value of human life and the importance of non-violence

ne ölj

ne ölj

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whom the gods love, shall die young

used to suggest that individuals who are highly favored or blessed by the gods are often taken away from the world at a young age

akit az istenek szeretnek, fiatalon fog meghalni

akit az istenek szeretnek, fiatalon fog meghalni

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God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb

used to suggest that even in difficult circumstances, those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged will be provided with the necessary strength and protection to overcome adversity

Isten megmérgezi a szelet a nyírt bárányhoz

Isten megmérgezi a szelet a nyírt bárányhoz

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all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds

used to imply that everything happens for a good reason and the world is as good as it can be, emphasizing the idea of optimism and the belief that everything works out for the best

minden a legjobbért van a lehető legjobb világban

minden a legjobbért van a lehető legjobb világban

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confession is good for the soul

used for saying that admitting one's mistakes, sins, or wrongdoings can bring spiritual and emotional healing and relief

a gyónás jót tesz a léleknek

a gyónás jót tesz a léleknek

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