to consider or regard someone or something the same rank as God
isteni rangra emel, isteníteni
to see or notice something, often from a distance or with some difficulty
észlelni, meglátni
to become necrotized, usually due to lack of blood supply
elhalni, elhalasztani
to make someone or something worthless or ineffective
érvénytelenné tenni, leértékelni
to do something that lessens someone's anger or sadness
megbékít, enyhít
to openly express one's extreme disapproval or criticism
elítél, bírál
to formally approve a decision, action, etc., typically through an official process or legal means
ratifikálni, megerősíteni
to cause something, such as a cartilage, to harden and change into bone
csontosodik, megkövesedik
to cause extreme fear in someone
megijeszteni, félelemmel eltölteni
to put people or things in different categories or groups
osztályozni, csoportosítani
to engage in a sudden and brief attack on enemy territory
támadni, betörni
to officially pardon the crime of a group of people
megbocsátani, amnesztiázni
to degrade or tarnish something pure and perfect, especially the reputation of someone
besároz, megszégyenít
to throw and pass something back and forth carelessly
kölcsönadni, csereberélni
to see something or someone unexpectedly, often from a distance or after careful observation
észrevenni, látni