
مهارات كلمات SAT 5 - الدرس 25




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
SAT Word Skills 5
to ally

to support or side with another

يتحد مع, يدعم

يتحد مع, يدعم

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to deify

to consider or regard someone or something the same rank as God

أله, قدس

أله, قدس

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to descry

to see or notice something, often from a distance or with some difficulty

يرى, يلاحظ

يرى, يلاحظ

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to mortify

to become necrotized, usually due to lack of blood supply

يُنخر, يُميت

يُنخر, يُميت

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to stultify

to make someone or something worthless or ineffective

يُصبح بلا قيمة, يجعل غير فعال

يُصبح بلا قيمة, يجعل غير فعال

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to mollify

to do something that lessens someone's anger or sadness

يُهدئ, يُخفف

يُهدئ, يُخفف

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to decry

to openly express one's extreme disapproval or criticism

يستنكر, يُدين

يستنكر, يُدين

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to ratify

to formally approve a decision, action, etc., typically through an official process or legal means

تصديق, اعتماد

تصديق, اعتماد

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to ossify

to cause something, such as a cartilage, to harden and change into bone

تتكلس, ترسب

تتكلس, ترسب

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to terrify

to cause extreme fear in someone

يرعب, يخيف

يرعب, يخيف

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to classify

to put people or things in different categories or groups

تصنيف, فصل

تصنيف, فصل

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to gainsay

to disagree or deny that something is true

ينكر, يجادل

ينكر, يجادل

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to foray

to engage in a sudden and brief attack on enemy territory

غزو, اجتياح

غزو, اجتياح

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to belay

to tie and secure a boat to a rock, pin, or bitt

ربط, تثبيت

ربط, تثبيت

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to waylay

to wait in a hiding spot in order to attack

كمين, وصب

كمين, وصب

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to amnesty

to officially pardon the crime of a group of people

تحرير, عفا

تحرير, عفا

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to sully

to degrade or tarnish something pure and perfect, especially the reputation of someone

تشويه, إساءة إلى سمعة

تشويه, إساءة إلى سمعة

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to bandy

to throw and pass something back and forth carelessly

تداول, رمي

تداول, رمي

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to espy

to see something or someone unexpectedly, often from a distance or after careful observation

يلمح, يرى

يلمح, يرى

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