A2 Szintű Szólista - Alapvető igék
Itt megtudhat néhány alapvető angol kifejezési igét, mint például a „deal with”, „go in” és „ind out”, amelyek az A2-es tanulók számára készültek.
to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific
foglalkozik, kezel
to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time
kimenni, elmenni valahová
to physically enter a vehicle, such as a car or taxi
beszállni, belépni
to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.
kimenni, elhagyni
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.
növelni, felsrófolni
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.
lejjebb venni, csökkenteni
to stop carrying something by putting it on the ground
letenni, odarakni
to change from being a child into an adult little by little
felnőni, felnőtté válni
to get information about something after actively trying to do so
kideríteni, megtudni
to act more quickly because there is not much time
sietni, sietkedni
to get rid of something that is no longer needed
kidobni, eltávolítani
to move with a lower speed or rate of movement
lassítani, csökkenteni a sebességet
to turn your head to see the surroundings
körülnézni, körbefordulni
to change your position so as to face another direction
megfordul, fordítani
to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.
keres, megnézni
to let something or someone enter a place
bekerülni engedni, beengedni
to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks
felpróbálni, kipróbálni
to make something start working usually by flipping a switch
bekapcsolni, aktiválni
to make something stop working usually by flipping a switch
kikapcsolni, leállítani
to cause a person or animal stop being asleep
felébreszteni, ébresszen