
A2レベルの単語リスト - 基本的な句動詞

ここでは、A2 学習者向けに「対処する」、「入る」、「見つける」などの基本的な英語の句動詞を学びます。









CEFR A2 Vocabulary
to deal with

to take the necessary action regarding someone or something specific

対処する, 扱う

対処する, 扱う

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to go in

to enter a place, building, or location

入る, 入ってくる

入る, 入ってくる

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to go out

to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time

出かける, 外に行く

出かける, 外に行く

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to get in

to physically enter a vehicle, such as a car or taxi

乗る, 入る

乗る, 入る

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to get out

to leave somewhere such as a room, building, etc.

出る, 去る

出る, 去る

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to turn up

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.

上げる, 増やす

上げる, 増やす

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to turn down

to turn a switch on a device so that it makes less sound, heat, etc.

音量を下げる, 減らす

音量を下げる, 減らす

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to go up

to go to a higher place

上がる, 登る

上がる, 登る

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to go down

to move from a higher location to a lower one

下る, 降りる

下る, 降りる

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to get on

to enter a bus, ship, airplane, etc.

乗り込む, 搭乗する

乗り込む, 搭乗する

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to get off

to leave a bus, train, airplane, etc.

降りる, 下車する

降りる, 下車する

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to put down

to stop carrying something by putting it on the ground

置く, 下ろす

置く, 下ろす

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to pick up

to take and lift something or someone up

拾う, 持ち上げる

拾う, 持ち上げる

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to come in

to enter a place or space

入る, 来る

入る, 来る

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to grow up

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

成長する, 大人になる

成長する, 大人になる

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to find out

to get information about something after actively trying to do so

調べる, 見つける

調べる, 見つける

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to get up

to get on our feet and stand up

立ち上がる, 起き上がる

立ち上がる, 起き上がる

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to hurry up

to act more quickly because there is not much time

急ぐ, 急かす

急ぐ, 急かす

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to throw out

to get rid of something that is no longer needed

捨てる, 廃棄する

捨てる, 廃棄する

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to calm down

to become less angry, upset, or worried

落ち着く, 静まる

落ち着く, 静まる

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to slow down

to move with a lower speed or rate of movement

減速する, スピードを落とす

減速する, スピードを落とす

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to look around

to turn your head to see the surroundings

周りを見る, 周囲を見回す

周りを見る, 周囲を見回す

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to turn around

to change your position so as to face another direction

振り向く, 向きを変える

振り向く, 向きを変える

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to get back

to return to a place, state, or condition

戻る, 戻す

戻る, 戻す

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to look up

to try to find information in a dictionary, computer, etc.

調べる, 検索する

調べる, 検索する

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to let in

to let something or someone enter a place

入れさせる, 入れる

入れさせる, 入れる

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to try on

to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks

試着する, 試着してみる

試着する, 試着してみる

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to switch on

to make something start working usually by flipping a switch

スイッチを入れる, 起動する

スイッチを入れる, 起動する

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to switch off

to make something stop working usually by flipping a switch

オフにする, 止める

オフにする, 止める

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to wake up

to cause a person or animal stop being asleep

起こす, 目覚めさせる

起こす, 目覚めさせる

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