Akadémiai IELTS (8-as Sáv és Felett) - Érzelmek
Itt megtudhat néhány angol szót az érzelmekkel kapcsolatban, amelyek szükségesek az Academic IELTS vizsgához.
a feeling of long-lasting sadness that often cannot be explained
the sadness and worry provoked by an unpleasant surprise
megnyugtatás, zűrzavar
the state of being unhappy and despairing
csüggedés, lehangoltság
a feeling of self-consciousness, restraint, or a limiting factor that hinders the free expression of one's thoughts, emotions, or actions
gátlás, félelem
a state of low spirits, sadness, or melancholy
depresszió, elkeseredés
a state of extreme urgency, hopelessness, or despair
kétségbeesés, elkeseredés
a state of calmness and self-control, especially in difficult or challenging situations
nyugalom, higgadtság
a feeling of reverence, respect, and wonder inspired by something grand, powerful, or extraordinary
csodálat, megbecsülés
the quality of being full of energy, enthusiasm, liveliness, and excitement
fakadás, életerő
a happy, glowing look from being really healthy and feeling great on the inside
ragyogás, fényesség
a state of extreme happiness, joy, or contentment
boldogság, öröm állapota
a state of being captivated, delighted, or charmed by something magical, beautiful, or extraordinary
varázslat, elbűvölés
an overwhelming feeling of intense delight or extreme happiness
extázis, öröm
a state of complete happiness, joy, and contentment
boldogság, áldottság
a feeling of excitement, enthusiasm, and invigoration
izgalom, eldöntés
a feeling of intense happiness, excitement, or pleasure
eufória, boldogság
a feeling of being carried away by overwhelming emotion, often associated with deep love, happiness, or spiritual experiences
elragadtatás, öröm
great happiness or joy, often accompanied by laughter or a sense of amusement
öröm, mulatság
a great enthusiasm directed toward achieving something
lelkesedés, bizalom