Kötőszavak - A fokozat és a mód kötőszavai
Ezek a kötőszavak egy záradékot kapcsolnak össze, amely jelzi, hogy a másik kitétel milyen mértékben alkalmazható, vagy hogyan történik.
used to indicate the degree or extent to which something is true or applicable
amennyire, azt illetően
used to indicate equality of degree or extent between two things or situations
annyira mint, mint
used to express the extent or degree to which something is true or valid
úgyhogy, oly módon
used to emphasize that something is done or achieved regardless of the method or circumstances
Akárhogyan is közelíted meg a helyzetet, győződj meg róla
used to indicate the means or method by which something is achieved or brought about
amely által, amivel
used to introduce additional information that explains the extent or reasons for something
mivel, amennyiben
used to indicate the extent or degree to which something is applicable or true, often specifying a condition or limit
amennyiben, abban az esetben
used to describe a situation or action that appears to be true or happening, but it is not the case, emphasizing that it is hypothetical
mintha, akárha
used to present a scenario or circumstance that appears to be true, although it may not be the case in reality
mintha, mint ha