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Bắt đầu học
Categorized English Conjunctions
as far as

used to indicate the degree or extent to which something is true or applicable

xa như

xa như

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as much as

used to indicate equality of degree or extent between two things or situations

nhiều như

nhiều như

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as if, used to describe the way something is done



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regardless of how; in whatever way

Tuy nhiên

Tuy nhiên

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such that

used to express the extent or degree to which something is true or valid

như vậy mà

như vậy mà

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used to emphasize that something is done or achieved regardless of the method or circumstances

Làm sao

Làm sao

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used to indicate the means or method by which something is achieved or brought about

bằng cách nào

bằng cách nào

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inasmuch as

used to introduce additional information that explains the extent or reasons for something

nhân vì

nhân vì

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insofar as

used to indicate the extent or degree to which something is applicable or true, often specifying a condition or limit

trong chừng mực

trong chừng mực

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as if

used to describe a situation or action that appears to be true or happening, but it is not the case, emphasizing that it is hypothetical

như thể

như thể

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as though

used to present a scenario or circumstance that appears to be true, although it may not be the case in reality

như thể

như thể

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