ACT Angol és Világtudás - Emberi Mozgás
Itt megtanulhat néhány, az emberi mozgáshoz kapcsolódó angol szót, például "ingress", "wade", "trudge" stb., amelyek segítenek az ACT-ben.
to walk in a proud or self-assured manner, with the body held upright and the chest puffed out
hitte magát, büszkén lépkedni
to move heavily or clumsily, often with loud, heavy footsteps
nehezen lépni, tompán lépkedni
to move in an uncomfortable or restless manner with twisting or contorted motions
forogni, görbülni
to walk slowly and with heavy steps, especially due to exhaustion, difficulty, or adverse conditions
vonszolni, fáradtan lépkedni
to wander off or deviate from the intended or established path
elkalandozik, eltéved
to go for a long walk or journey, particularly in the mountains, forests, etc. as an adventure
túrázni, gyalogolni
to move smoothly and effortlessly through the air or on a surface with little or no propulsion
csúszni, siklani
to move or jerk quickly and involuntarily, often due to fear, excitement, or physical weakness
remegni, rázódni
to slightly shake as a result of feeling cold, scared, etc.
remegni, rezegni
to tremble or shake involuntarily, often as a result of fear, cold, or excitement
libabőrözni, tremorozni
to withdraw or move back from a current position, often in response to a threat or change in conditions
visszavonul, hátra lépni
to navigate around or avoid something by taking an alternative route or direction
kikerülni, elhárítani
to run at a steady, slow pace, especially for exercise
joggingolni, futni lassan
to walk with short, clumsy steps and a swaying motion from side to side, typically as a result of being overweight or having short legs
sántikálni, dülöngélni
to go from one place to another with no specific destination or purpose in mind
kóborolni, barangolni
to move faster in comparison to other things or people
meghaladni, felülmúlni
to climb and reach the summit or the peak of a height
megmászni, felszökni
to descend a steep cliff or rock face by sliding down a rope, typically using specialized equipment
lemászni, leereszkedni
to journey on foot, often covering great distances with a sense of purpose or exploration
gyalogolni, kóborolni
to run very fast for a short distance, typically as a form of exercise
sprinterezni, gyorsan futni
to make a quick and involuntary movement in response to a surprise, pain, or fear
meghökken, megrezdül
to travel all the way around something, especially the globe, by sea, air, or land
körbeutazni, megjárni
the act or process of entering or gaining access to a place, typically a building, area, or location
bejárat, hozzáférés
the process or activity of planning and controlling the movement of a vehicle or vessel from one place to another
navigáció, irányítás
the act or process of exiting or leaving a place, typically a building, area, or location
kijárat, egress
moving, responding, or functioning at a slow pace
lassú, tétlen
wandering or roaming without a specific destination or purpose
kóborló, vándorló