
Egyetértés és Nézeteltérés - Összhang és egység

Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót, amelyek az összhangra és az egységre vonatkoznak, mint például a "fegyver", "upvote" és "garancia".









Indítsa el a tanulást
Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement
to take one's side

to support a particular person, group, or idea in a dispute or conflict

tell me about it

used to show that one understands or agrees with what is being said because one has already experienced it


the conditions included in a contract or agreement

feltételek, kifejezések

feltételek, kifejezések

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that makes two of us

used to show agreement with someone or state that what applies to the speaker also applies to one


an agreement in which two companies become business partners

megállapodás, partnerség

megállapodás, partnerség

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in a state of agreement or unity of purpose

együtt, közösen

együtt, közösen

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willingness to accept behavior or opinions that are against one's own



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showing respect to what other people say or do even when one disagrees with them

toleráns, elnéző

toleráns, elnéző

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in a way that shows tolerance

türelmesen, toleránsan

türelmesen, toleránsan

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willingness to allow something that one does not like or agree with to happen or exist

tolerancia, elfogadás

tolerancia, elfogadás

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an official agreement between two or more governments or states

szerződés, megállapodás

szerződés, megállapodás

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an agreement according to which enemies or opponents stop fighting each other for a specific period of time

fegyverszünet, tűzszünet

fegyverszünet, tűzszünet

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in a way that is truthful

valóban, igazán

valóban, igazán

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a situation in which all those involved are in complete agreement on something

egyetértés, egység

egyetértés, egység

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(of a group) fully in agreement on something

egyetértő, egységes

egyetértő, egységes

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unlikely to cause an argument

vitatlan, nem vitás

vitatlan, nem vitás

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with no argument or opposition

vitatlan, ellenállás nélküli

vitatlan, ellenállás nélküli

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not causing or unlikely to cause disagreement

nem ellentmondásos, nyilvánvaló

nem ellentmondásos, nyilvánvaló

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to understand

to assume something to be the case because it is obvious

érteni, feltételezni

érteni, feltételezni

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an informal agreement that may be unspoken

egyezség, megbeszélés

egyezség, megbeszélés

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to undertake

to accept or promise to do something particular

vállalni, ígérni

vállalni, ígérni

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a formal promise to do something particular

vállalás, kötelezettség

vállalás, kötelezettség

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(of groups or people) acting together and in agreement

egyesült, összefogott

egyesült, összefogott

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a situation in which those involved are in agreement or joined together

egység, összetartás

egység, összetartás

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not put into words; understood or agreed without being put into words

kimondatlan, hallgatólagos

kimondatlan, hallgatólagos

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not clearly said or explained

nem közölt, nem világos

nem közölt, nem világos

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to upvote

to show one's agreement or approval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

igen szavazni, helyeselni

igen szavazni, helyeselni

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the action of showing one's agreement or approval of an online post or comment by clicking on a specific icon

upvote, pozitív szavazat

upvote, pozitív szavazat

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a written agreement in which a manufacturer promises a customer to repair or replace a product, under certain conditions, within a specific period of time

garancia, warranty

garancia, warranty

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said to express agreement to something, usually reluctantly

nos, hát

nos, hát

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well said

said to express admiration for or agreement with what someone has just said

Jól mondtad!, Jól kifejezted!

Jól mondtad!, Jól kifejezted!

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whatever you say

said to agree to someone's suggestion, particularly to avoid an argument

to wipe the slate clean

to forget about past disagreements or mistakes and start fresh

with one accord

agreeing to something in a united and simultaneous manner

with one voice

with everyone expressing the same opinion

with pleasure

used to politely accept or agree to something

to wrap up

to complete a meeting, task, agreement, etc.

befejezni, lezárni

befejezni, lezárni

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to write into

to include a condition in an agreement or contract

beleírni, belefoglalni

beleírni, belefoglalni

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used as another way of saying 'yes'

igen, persze

igen, persze

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a word that shows we agree with something or think that something is true when answering a question



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a person who always agrees with their leader or employer unquestionably in order to please them

igenember, igen mondó

igenember, igen mondó

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used to show complete agreement or emphasize one's opinion

igen,  uram

igen, uram

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you can say that again

used to express one's complete agreement with someone's statement

you said it

said to express agreement with someone's suggestion

te mondtad, igazad van

te mondtad, igazad van

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you’re telling me

used to display complete agreement or awareness of something

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