B1 Szintű Szólista - Szakirányok
Itt tanulhat meg néhány angol szót a tanulmányi területekről, mint például a "művészettörténet", "fogászat", "geológia" stb., amelyek a B1-es tanulók számára készültek.
the job that involves keeping financial accounts or making financial reports

számvitel, könyvelés

the study of the development of sculpture, painting, etc., throughout time

művészettörténet, művészettörténeti tudomány

a field of study that deals with the sending and receiving of information

kommunikáció, információátadás

the field of study that deals with computers and their uses

számítástechnika, informatika

a field of study concerning how culture is formed, its relation to people, and how it reacts to different social matters

kulturális tanulmányok, kultúratudomány

the study of how money, goods, and resources are produced, distributed, and used in a country or society

közgazdaságtan, gazdaságtudomány

a field of study that deals with the building, designing, developing, etc. of structures, bridges, or machines

mérnöki tudomány

(of economics) a field of study concerned with the management of money

pénzügy, pénzkezelés

a field of science that deals with the use or study of electronic devices and processes in which data is stored, created, modified, etc.

információtechnológia, IT (információtechnológia)

the study of the evolution and structure of language in general or of certain languages


the process or act of organizing or managing a group of people or an organization


the field of science that is concerned with treating injuries and diseases


the field of science that studies food and drink and their effects on the human body


the field of science that studies the function or interactions among organisms


a field of study that is concerned with politics and governments

politológia, politikai tudomány

a field of science that studies the mind, its functions, and how it affects behavior


the scientific study of human society, its nature, structure, and development, as well as social behavior
