B1 Level Wordlist - Fields of Study
Here you will learn some English words about fields of study, such as "art history", "dentistry", "geology", etc. prepared for B1 learners.
a field of study concerning how culture is formed, its relation to people, and how it reacts to different social matters
the study of how money, goods, and resources are produced, distributed, and used in a country or society
a field of study that deals with the building, designing, developing, etc. of structures, bridges, or machines
a field of science that deals with the use or study of electronic devices and processes in which data is stored, created, modified, etc.
the study of the evolution and structure of language in general or of certain languages
a field of science that studies the mind, its functions, and how it affects behavior
the scientific study of human society, its nature, structure, and development, as well as social behavior