(of an object) impossible to be placed elsewhere

tak tergoyahkan, tetap di tempatnya

(of liquids) without the potential of getting mixed

tidak dapat bercampur, tidak tercampur

too great or extensive to be measured or quantified

tak terukur, tak terhingga

the excessive act of putting one's physical pleasure in high priority

kemewahan, pemborosan

to keep something or someone in a private or isolated place

mengasingkan, memisahkan

the state of being isolated from other things or people, usually by choice

pengasingan, penjarangan

to absorb all of someone's attention or time, captivating them completely

menyeret, memenangkan

to strongly and overwhelmingly effect a person or thing

menenggelamkan, menggulung

the quality of having a balanced and composed manner, especially in stressful situations

keseimbangan, ketenangan

acceptable in a way that is suited to something or someone's desire, need, nature, etc.

cocok, sesuai

having a disease since birth that is not necessarily hereditary

bawaan, sejak lahir