to predict that something bad is going to happen very soon

meramalkan, menandakan

(of a bank) to take away someone's property because they have not repaid the money they borrowed from the bank in order to buy it

menyita, menyita aset

to go or to be before someone or something in time or place

mendahului, mengungguli

knowledge of an occurrence before it actually happens

pengetahuan sebelumnya, pengetahuan yang mendahului

a male worker who watches over other workers and is often more experienced

mandor, perwira

a decorative plume or feather worn as a fashion accessory on hats or helmets


to do what others want to please them, even when it is unnecessary or morally wrong

menyenangkan, menggampangi

a method of performance in which the performer uses body and hand gestures in order to suggest an idea or tell something without using words

pantomim, gerakan tubuh

done swiftly and without careful thought, driven by sudden and strong emotions or impulses

terburu-buru, tanpa pikir panjang

the quality of acting quickly and without thinking carefully

ketergesan, kecerobohan