Kata Sifat Waktu dan Tempat - Kata sifat Urutan
Kata sifat ini menggambarkan urutan atau susunan peristiwa, benda, atau tindakan dalam suatu rangkaian tertentu.
Kartu flash
(of a thing) coming before everything else in a series or sequence
pertama, pertama
related to or happening at the beginning of a series or process
awal, perintis
occurring before a more important thing, particularly as an act of introduction
awal, pembuka
presented before the main subject, topic, etc. to provide context or familiarize
pengantar, awal
associated with the earliest stages of evolutionary development, often describing ancient or primeval times
primitif, awal
indicating things that occur near the beginning of a series, development, process, or condition
awal, dini
coming immediately after a person or thing in time, place, or rank
berikutnya, selanjutnya
coming immediately after a person or thing in time, place, or rank
berikut, yang mengikuti
occurring in a specific order or series, one after the other
berurutan, sekuensial
happening one after another, in an uninterrupted sequence
berturut-turut, berurutan
continuously happening one after another
berturut-turut, berkesinambungan
referring to an event or occurrence that is about to happen very soon
segera, mendatang
doing or happening after the time that is usual or expected
terlambat, lamban
happening for the first time in history or within a specific context
pertama kali, pertama dalam sejarah