Kata Sifat Waktu dan Tempat - Kata Sifat Arah
Kata sifat ini membantu menyampaikan orientasi atau lintasan yang terkait dengan tindakan, gerakan, atau posisi tertentu.
Kartu flash
located at or toward the forward-facing side or part of an object or space

depan, muka

positioned across and parallel to the ground and not up or down

horizontal, horisontal

positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down

vertikal, tegak

going from one place to another in a straight line without stopping or changing direction

langsung, lurus

situated or oriented in the direction of the southeast

tenggara, berorientasi tenggara

oriented or directed toward the southwest

barat daya, yang mengarah ke barat daya

positioned diagonally or at an angle, without being parallel or perpendicular

oblique, diagonal

placed across another thing in a way that there is a right angle between the two of them

melintang, seberang

moving or turning in the same direction as the hands of a clock

searah jarum jam, searah jam

moving or turning in the opposite direction to the clockwise motion

berlawanan arah jarum jam, anti-jam

situated or moving in the direction opposite to the flow of a stream or current

hulu sungai, naik ke atas