Kata Sifat Atribut Abstrak - Kata Sifat Kompleksitas
Kata sifat ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengungkapkan tingkat kerumitan, kedalaman, atau kecanggihan yang terkait dengan konsep, sistem, atau situasi tertentu.
Kartu flash
involving many different parts or elements that make something difficult to understand or deal with

rumit, kompleks

(of a system, device, or technique) intricately developed to a high level of complexity

kompleks, canggih

having many complex parts or details that make it difficult to understand or work with

rumit, kompleks

(of sentences, explanations, arguments, etc.) long and difficult to understand, often due to complexity or excessive detail

rumit, berbelit-belit

formed or created by joining two or more elements or parts together

gabungan, kombinasi

formed by the combination of two or more separate elements or parts

kompaun, gabungan

containing many small or fragmented pieces or parts that don’t fit together well

terfragmentasi, cacat