صفات الصفات المجردة - صفات التعقيد
تمكننا هذه الصفات من التعبير عن مستوى التعقيد أو العمق أو التطور المرتبط بمفهوم أو نظام أو موقف معين.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
difficult to understand, deal with, or explain due to having many parts or factors
معقد, صعب
(of a system, device, or technique) intricately developed to a high level of complexity
متطور, معقد
carefully developed or executed with great attention to detail
مُعَقَّد, مفصل
having many complex parts or details that make it difficult to understand or work with
معقد, تفصيلي
having extensive and specific information about every part or aspect
مفصل, دقيق
created by joining or merging multiple elements or parts together
مُجتمَع, متّحد
formed by the combination of two or more separate elements or parts
مركب, مؤلف
so detailed and complex that understanding becomes difficult
بيزنطي, معقد
extremely complicated, intricate, and sometimes tricky to understand
ملتوٍ, معقد
having subtle differences or variations, requiring careful observation or understanding to fully comprehend
مُعَلَق, متدرّج