Kata Sifat Relasional - Kata sifat Geografi
Kata sifat ini berkaitan dengan karakteristik, fitur, dan kualitas yang terkait dengan berbagai tempat dan wilayah di Bumi.
Kartu flash
related to or formed by the activity of volcanoes

vulkanik, terkait dengan gunung berapi

addressing the structures, functions, or issues of cities and their populations

perkotaan, kota

associated with or characteristic of the tropics, regions of the Earth near the equator known for their warm climate and lush vegetation

tropis, tropikal

originating from to relating to the large landmasses on Earth's surface known as continents

kontinental, berasal dari benua

related to or situated along the coast, the area where land meets the sea

pesisir, kelautan

related to the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun

pasang surut, gelombang

associated with the Atlantic Ocean, the second largest ocean in the world, lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east


related to or situated south of the Sahara Desert, particularly in Africa

subsahara, yang terletak di selatan Sahara

related to the study or processes of the Earth's structure, composition, and history

geologi, ilmu geologi

related to the study or characteristics of the Earth's surface, including its features, landscapes, and locations

geografis, topografi

related to the detailed mapping or description of the physical features and landscape of a particular area

topografi, yang berkaitan dengan fitur fisik

related to or characteristic of an archipelago, a group or chain of islands

kepulauan, berhubungan dengan kepulauan

related to material deposited by flowing water, often found in riverbeds and floodplains

aluvial, tersoran air