Kata Kerja Keberadaan dan Tindakan - Kata Kerja untuk Balas Dendam
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada balas dendam seperti "serangan balik", "balas dendam", dan "membalas".
Kartu flash
to make a counterattack or respond in a similar manner

membalas, balas dendam

to seek retribution or take vengeance on behalf of oneself or others for a perceived wrong or harm

membalas, mengambil balas

to respond in kind to a gesture or action

membalas, merespons dengan cara yang sama

to make a counterattack, often responding with similar force or action, especially in response to harm or wrongdoing

melawan balik, menyerang balik

to make an attack in response to someone else's attack

melawan, menyerang kembali

to inflict harm or punishment on someone in response to a perceived wrong or injury

membalas, balas dendam

to take revenge on someone for something they did

membalas dendam, balas dendam