Verbos de Existência e Ação - Verbos para vingança
Aqui você aprenderá alguns verbos em inglês referentes à vingança, como "contra-ataque", "vingar" e "retaliar".
to avenge
to seek retribution or take vengeance on behalf of oneself or others for a perceived wrong or harm

vingar, procurar vingança

to reciprocate
to respond in kind to a gesture or action

retribuir, responder de forma semelhante

to strike back
to make a counterattack, often responding with similar force or action, especially in response to harm or wrongdoing

contra-atacar, revidar

to counterattack
to make an attack in response to someone else's attack

contra-atacar, responder

to revenge
to inflict harm or punishment on someone in response to a perceived wrong or injury

vingar, se vingar


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