Kata Kerja Gaya Hidup Fisik dan Sosial - Kata Kerja untuk Relaksasi
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada relaksasi seperti "rest", "unwind", dan "nestle".
Kartu flash
to stop working, moving, or doing an activity for a period of time and sit or lie down to relax

beristirahat, berlibur

to lie or rest in a pleasant warmth, such as sunlight

berjemur, berbaring (di bawah sinar matahari)

to relax and take a break especially when feeling stressed or upset

santai, beristirahat

to relax and release tension, especially after a period of stress or pressure

menurunkan tekanan, bersantai

to relax and enjoy oneself in a leisurely way, often by lying around and doing nothing productive

bersantai, berleha-leha

to relax and make oneself comfortable in a sitting position

duduk santai, bersantai

to unwind and relax, often by engaging in leisure activities or resting

bersantai, relaksasi