Kata Kerja Proses Mental - Kata Kerja untuk Memiliki Pendapat atau Kecenderungan
Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang mengacu pada pendapat atau kecenderungan seperti "regard", "incline", dan "suspect".
Kartu flash
to think about someone or something in a specified way
menganggap, mempertimbangkan
to regard someone or something in a particular way
menghitung, menganggap
to interpret something with a specific viewpoint or assumption
menganggap sebagai, mengambil untuk
to have a positive or favorable inclination or willingness towards a particular action, idea, or person
condong untuk, cenderung kepada
to be likely to develop or occur in a certain way because that is the usual pattern
cender untuk, cender ke
to make someone open and willing to embrace an attitude, belief, or action
membawa, menggiring
to favor something, especially an opinion
condong kepada, mendukung
to have a type of belief or idea about a person or thing
berpikir, percaya
to believe that someone is sincere, reliable, or competent
percaya, mempercayai
to not believe or trust in something's truth or accuracy
ragu, tidak percaya
to think that something is probably true, especially something bad, without having proof
mencurigai, mengira
to have a specific opinion or belief about someone or something
memegang, menganggap
to regard someone or something in a certain way
menimbang, menganggap