
精神過程の動詞 - 意見や傾向があることを表す動詞










Categorized English Verbs Denoting Mental Processes
to regard

to think about someone or something in a specified way

考える, 見なす

考える, 見なす

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to account

to regard someone or something in a particular way

考慮する, 評価する

考慮する, 評価する

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to deem

to consider in a particular manner

見なす, 考える

見なす, 考える

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to take for

to interpret something with a specific viewpoint or assumption

〜と見なす, 〜と解釈する

〜と見なす, 〜と解釈する

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to incline

to have a positive or favorable inclination or willingness towards a particular action, idea, or person

傾く, 好意を持つ

傾く, 好意を持つ

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to tend

to be likely to develop or occur in a certain way because that is the usual pattern

傾向がある, 傾く

傾向がある, 傾く

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to dispose

to make someone open and willing to embrace an attitude, belief, or action

導く, 促す

導く, 促す

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to lean towards

to favor something, especially an opinion

傾く, 支持する

傾く, 支持する

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to believe

to hold an opinion that something is the case

信じる, 考える

信じる, 考える

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to think

to have a type of belief or idea about a person or thing

考える, 信じる

考える, 信じる

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to buy

to believe something as true

信じる, 受け入れる

信じる, 受け入れる

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to trust

to believe that someone is sincere, reliable, or competent

信頼する, 頼る

信頼する, 頼る

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to doubt

to not believe or trust in something's truth or accuracy

疑う, 信じない

疑う, 信じない

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to suspect

to think that something is probably true, especially something bad, without having proof

疑う, 推測する

疑う, 推測する

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to buy into

to wholeheartedly believe in a set of ideas

信じる, 受け入れる

信じる, 受け入れる

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to hold

to have a specific opinion or belief about someone or something

持つ, 考える

持つ, 考える

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to consider

to regard someone or something in a certain way

考える, みなす

考える, みなす

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