Akademik IELTS (Band 6-7) - Bentuk tubuh
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Bentuk Tubuh yang diperlukan untuk ujian Academic IELTS.
Kartu flash
(of a person) having a pleasantly rounded and slightly full-bodied appearance

montok, berisi

extremely overweight, with excess body fat that significantly increases health risks

obesitas, sangat gemuk

(of a person or animal) thin and fit in a way that looks healthy, often with well-defined muscles and minimal body fat

langsing, kekar

(of a person or their body) having a noticeable bone structure and sharp features

sudut, beruang tulang

extremely thin to the point where the outlines of one's bones are visible beneath one's skin

kerempeng, sangat kurus

resembling a skeleton in appearance due to being very thin or emaciated

skeletal, sangat kurus

(of a person) excessively thin as a result of a disease, worry or hunger

kerempeng, susut