Akademik IELTS (Band 8 dan di Atas) - Terlibat dalam Komunikasi Verbal
Di sini, Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris terkait Engaging in Verbal Communication yang diperlukan untuk ujian Academic IELTS.
Kartu flash
to have a casual and light conversation without sharing a lot of information

mengobrol, bercakap-cakap

to talk a lot about unimportant things and in a way that may seem foolish

membual, berbicara sepele

to discuss the terms of an agreement with an opposing side, usually an enemy

berunding, berdiskusi

to talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way

bertele-tele, ngomong ngawur

to talk at length in a tedious or annoying way

bercerita panjang, ngobrol panjang lebar

to talk excessively or continuously, often in a way that is annoying to others

menggibah, berbicara terus menerus

to talk persistently, often in a tedious or annoying manner

berbicara terus menerus, mengoceh

to chat casually for an extended period, often in a lively manner

mengobrol, bercerita

to speak formally and at length, especially in a public setting

berpidato, berbicara

to speak or express opinions in a lengthy, fervent, or pompous manner

berbicara panjang lebar, membicarakan dengan semangat

to shout loudly and emotionally, often expressing distress, anger, or frustration

teriak, mencela

to talk rapidly and incoherently, making it hard for others to understand what is being said

berbicara dengan cepat dan tidak jelas, ngomong ngelantur

to express contempt or derision by mocking, ridiculing, and laughing at someone or something

mengolok-olok, menganggap remeh