Akademický IELTS (Pásmo 8 a Výše) - Zapojení do verbální komunikace
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s Engaging in Verbal Communication, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku Academic IELTS.
to have a casual and light conversation without sharing a lot of information

konverzovat, bavit se

to talk a lot about unimportant things and in a way that may seem foolish

drbat, žvanit

to discuss the terms of an agreement with an opposing side, usually an enemy

vyjednávat, diskutovat

to talk excessively or continuously, often in a way that is annoying to others

mluvit ukecaně, žvanit

to speak or express opinions in a lengthy, fervent, or pompous manner

hovořit dlouze, mluvit pompézně

to shout loudly and emotionally, often expressing distress, anger, or frustration

křičet, hystericky volat

to talk rapidly and incoherently, making it hard for others to understand what is being said

mluvit nesrozumitelně, šíleně mluvit

to express contempt or derision by mocking, ridiculing, and laughing at someone or something

posmívat se, zesměšnit