Il libro Interchange - Intermedio - Unità 10 - Parte 1
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 10 - Parte 1 nel libro di testo Interchange Intermediate, come "collaborare", "ideale", "efficace", ecc.
to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

stimare, valutare
to examine or study something in detail in order to explain or understand it

making use of imagination or innovation in bringing something into existence

an understanding of or information about a subject after studying and experiencing it

the obligation to perform a particular duty or task that is assigned to one

the quality of being able to speak or write very well and easily in a foreign language

il parlare correntemente
to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

to have very strong feelings for someone or something that is important to us and we like a lot and want to take care of

(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something

to do certain physical or mental activities in order to achieve a result or as a part of our job

used to indicate that something is being done in the same way as something else

così, in questo modo

used to indicate that something is not one thing nor the other in a given context or situation

nessuno, neanche

to engage in activities or behavior aimed at resolving or improving a situation involving someone or something

trattare, gestire

to complete a task or project before a specific time or date that has been agreed upon or set as a requirement
a choice or judgment that is made after adequate consideration or thought

a profession or a series of professions that one can do for a long period of one's life

a person who possesses or has a high rank in a bank or any other financial institution

a person whose job is designing buildings and typically supervising their construction

a person who practices or studies law, advises people about the law or represents them in court

a scientist who studies the plants and animals that live in the ocean and other saltwater environments

biologo marino, biologa marina

a person who works on a plane to bring passengers meals and take care of them

assistente di volo