Elenco di Parole Livello C2 - Risposte emotive
Qui imparerai tutte le parole essenziali per parlare di Risposte Emotive, raccolte appositamente per gli studenti di livello C2.
characterized by intense and overwhelming feelings of joy, ecstasy, or enthusiasm

estatico, rapito

holding one's attention in a captivating or spellbinding manner

ipnotizzante, affascinante

causing feelings of excitement, elation, or intense enthusiasm

esaltante, euforico

so fascinating that it able to hold one's attention completely

ipnotizzante, incantevole

holding one's attention completely due to being exciting or interesting

avvincente, catturante

capturing and holding one's attention in a compelling and fascinating manner

coinvolgente, affascinante

having a magical and charming quality that captures attention and brings joy

incantevole, magico

imparting energy, vitality, or a feeling of freshness

rinvigorente, stimolante

filled with a strong sense of excitement, happiness, or elation

esaltato, euforico

(of an idea, intention, or act) deserving of admiration and praise, regardless of success

causing a feeling of unease, discomfort, or reluctance

sconveniente, sgradevole

causing annoyance or weariness due to its dull or repetitive nature

infastidioso, noioso

causing extreme fear, shock, or disgust, especially due to the presence of violence, cruelty, or horror

possessing a poignant, sentimental, or eerie quality that evokes strong emotions, memories, or feelings

suggestivo, stanziale

experiencing or expressing severe physical or emotional pain

angosciato, sofferente