色と形 - ライトブラウンの色合い
having a light beige color, resembling the shade of the nut of the same name

アーモンド色, アーモンドの色合い

having a warm and earthy shade of light brown with a hint of yellow or beige

タンブウェードの色合い, タンブウェードのトーン

of a warm, muted golden-brown color with a slightly aged or patinated appearance, reminiscent of vintage brass hardware or fixtures

アンティークブラス, 古い真鍮

having a warm, creamy brown color that resembles the color of coffee with milk


displaying a light, pale brownish-tan color, often reminiscent of the coat color of young deer

ファawn色, 薄茶色

of a light to medium, warm tan or beige color, resembling the natural color of camel hair

キャメル色, キャメルトーン

having a pale, light brown color resembling the color of dried leaves or soil

淡い茶色の, 乾燥した葉の色の

displaying a warm, rich yellow color that resembles the color of natural earth

土色の黄色, 自然の黄色

of a warm and rich brown color, reminiscent of the sweet and golden tones found in caramelized sugar

キャラメルブラウン, キャラメル色

displaying a warm, yellowish-gold color reminiscent of ripe, golden wheat or cornfields during harvest season

収穫金色, 暖かい金色

of a cool and muted grayish-brown color that resembles the natural hue of timber or the fur of a gray wolf

ティンバーウルフの色, グレーとブラウンのトーン

of a rich, dark brown color resembling the hue of unrefined or partially refined sugar

ブラウンシュガーの色合いの, 未精製または部分的に精製された砂糖のような色合いの

characterized by a pale to light gray color with a hint of blue or brown, resembling the ash-gray color of ashes

灰色の, 薄灰色の

having a warm, light brown color reminiscent of the color of baked biscuits or cookies

ビスケットブラウン, ビスケットのような茶色

of a warm, golden-brown color that resembles the hue of buttery, sweet butterscotch candies

バタースコッチカラーの, 金色がかった茶色の

having a light and warm shade of pale orange or beige, reminiscent of the color of ripe papaya fruit

パパイヤの淡い色合い, パパイヤの柔らかいトーン

having a pale, light pinkish-brown color that resembles the color of cooked or baked bisque pottery

ビスク色, ビスク調