
本 Four Corners 3 - ユニット 10 レッスン C

ここでは、Four Corners 3 コースブックのユニット 10 レッスン C の「寄付」、「延期」、「識別」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Four Corners 3
to bring up

to mention a particular subject

言及する, 話題に出す

言及する, 話題に出す

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to mention

to say something about someone or something, without giving much detail

言及する, 述べる

言及する, 述べる

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to do over

to repeat or redo a task, activity, or process, often to improve the outcome

やり直す, 再度行う

やり直す, 再度行う

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for one more instance

再び, もう一度

再び, もう一度

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to give away

to give something as a gift or donation to someone

寄付する, あげる

寄付する, あげる

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to donate

to freely give goods, money, or food to someone or an organization

寄付する, 捐赠する

寄付する, 捐赠する

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to give back

to restore or return something that was lost or taken away

返す, 戻す

返す, 戻す

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to return

to go or come back to a person or place

戻る, 帰る

戻る, 帰る

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to pay back

to return an amount of money that was borrowed

返済する, 戻す

返済する, 戻す

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to point out

to show something to someone by pointing one's finger toward it

指摘する, 示す

指摘する, 示す

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to identify

to be able to say who or what someone or something is

同定する, 識別する

同定する, 識別する

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to try out

to test something new or different to see how good or effective it is

試す, テストする

試す, テストする

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to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement

延期する, 先延ばしにする

延期する, 先延ばしにする

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to talk over

to thoroughly discuss something, particularly to reach an agreement or make a decision

話し合う, 相談する

話し合う, 相談する

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to discuss

to talk about something with someone, often in a formal manner

議論する, 話し合う

議論する, 話し合う

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to turn down

to decline an invitation, request, or offer

断る, 辞退する

断る, 辞退する

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a letter or number given by a teacher to show how a student is performing in class, school, etc.

成績, グレード

成績, グレード

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a piece of writing that briefly analyzes or discusses a specific subject



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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

貸す, 融資する

貸す, 融資する

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an event in which people meet, either in person or online, to talk about something

会議, ミーティング

会議, ミーティング

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(of a person) quiet, thoughtful, and showing little emotion in one's manner or appearance

真剣な, 真剣

真剣な, 真剣

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a statement in which one expresses readiness or willingness to do something for someone or give something to them

オファー, 提案

オファー, 提案

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