本 Insight - 中上級 - ユニット 3 - 3A
ここでは、「蓄積」、「ヒープ」、「オプトアウト」など、Insight 上級中級コースブックのユニット 3 ~ 3A の語彙を見つけることができます。
things that are considered useless, worthless, or of little value, often discarded or thrown away

ジャンク, 不用品

to put aside or remove a person or thing in order to no longer have them present or involved
to choose not to participate in something or to not accept an offer

オプトアウトする, 参加しないことを選ぶ

to leave a place or situation suddenly or quickly, often due to danger or dissatisfaction

逃げ出す, 急いで出る

to gather and store a large supply of food, money, etc., usually somewhere secret

蓄える, 貯める

to accidentally cause a liquid or substance to flow out of its container or onto a surface

こぼす, 流す

to cause something to lose its functionality or good condition over time or through extensive use

使い古す, 消耗する

a piece of furniture consisted of a number of drawers primarily used for keeping clothing
an appliance shaped like a box that is used for heating or cooking food by putting food on top or inside the appliance

コンロ, 調理器具

an large plastic or metal container that is kept outside for garbage to be stored and possibly recycled

ゴミ箱, ダストビン

a place with a few rooms in which people live, normally part of a building with other such places on each floor

アパート, フラット

a box-like device that goes up and down and is used to get to the different floors of a building

エレベーター, リフト

a piece of furniture that is large and is used for hanging and storing clothes

クローゼット, 洋服ダンス

a place that has a few rooms for people to live in, normally part of a building that has other such places on each floor

アパート, マンション

a small space or room built into a wall, which is used to store things and is usually shelved

クローゼット, 収納スペース

a portable handheld electric light that is powered by batteries and used to give light to a place in the dark

懐中電灯, フラッシュライト

a piece of furniture containing several drawers, usually for keeping clothes

ドレッサー, 引き出しの家具

a box-like device that moves up and down and is used to get to the different levels of a building

エレベーター, 昇降機

a box-shaped equipment used for cooking or heating food by either putting it inside or on top of the equipment

ストーブ, 暖房器具

a plastic or metal container with a lid, used for putting garbage in and usually kept outside the house

ゴミ箱, 垃圾箱

the most important street with a lot of shops and businesses in a town

ハイストリート, メインストリート

a small device, typically made of wood or plastic, used for fastening clothes on a clothesline to dry

洗濯バサミ, クリップ