
本 Insight - 中上級 - ユニット6 - 6A

ここでは、「議題」、「詳細」、「信頼性」など、Insight 上級中級コースブックのユニット 6 ~ 6A の語彙を見つけることができます。









Insight - Upper-intermediate

a list of things that need to be considered, solved, or done

議題, アジェンダ

議題, アジェンダ

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to expose

to put someone or something in a position in which they are vulnerable or are at risk

さらす, 危険にさらす

さらす, 危険にさらす

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illegal and dishonest behavior of someone, particularly one who is in a position of power

腐敗, 崩壊

腐敗, 崩壊

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to trace

to find someone or something, often by following a series of clues or evidence

追跡する, 検出する

追跡する, 検出する

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somewhere, someone, or something that originates something else

源, 出所

源, 出所

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to spread

to affect more people or a wider area

広がる, 拡散する

広がる, 拡散する

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a piece of information or story that is circulated among a group of people, often without being confirmed as true or accurate


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to fall for

to be deceived or tricked by someone or something

騙される, 引っかかる

騙される, 引っかかる

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a dishonest or illegal way of gaining money

詐欺, スキャン

詐欺, スキャン

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the absence or insufficiency of something, often implying a deficiency or shortage

欠如, 不足

欠如, 不足

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a quality that renders a thing or person as trustworthy or believable



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(of a video, picture, piece of news, etc.) shared quickly on social media among a lot of Internet users

バイラル, ウイルス性

バイラル, ウイルス性

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the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.

見出し, ヘッドライン

見出し, ヘッドライン

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a fraudulent or deceptive act or scheme intended to trick or fool people

いたずら, デマ

いたずら, デマ

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equipped with weapons or firearms

武装された, 装備された

武装された, 装備された

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to scramble

to move quickly and with urgency, often in a disorderly manner

急いで動く, 慌てて移動する

急いで動く, 慌てて移動する

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to delve

to dig into the ground, turning, loosening, or removing soil

掘る, 掘り起こす

掘る, 掘り起こす

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fitted or equipped with necessary rigging (sails and shrouds and stays etc)

装備された, セッティングされた

装備された, セッティングされた

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an attempt to conceal something, often an illegal or unethical action or situation

隠蔽, カバーアップ

隠蔽, カバーアップ

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the fact of being responsible for what someone does and being able to explain the reasons

説明責任, アカウンタビリティ

説明責任, アカウンタビリティ

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easily hurt, often due to weakness or lack of protection

脆弱な, 無防備な

脆弱な, 無防備な

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experiencing great shock or sadness

荒廃した, 打ちひしがれた

荒廃した, 打ちひしがれた

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a guessing game that involves at least two players in which participants ask a question that has a surprising or clever answer

謎, クイズ

謎, クイズ

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a precious or semi-precious piece of stone cut and polished to make items of jewelry

宝石, ジェム

宝石, ジェム

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to ban

to officially forbid a particular action, item, or practice

禁止する, 禁じる

禁止する, 禁じる

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(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation

弁明, 訴え

弁明, 訴え

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an attempt or effort made to obtain or do something

入札, 試み

入札, 試み

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to quit

to stop engaging in an activity permanently

やめる, 退く

やめる, 退く

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to vow

to make a sincere promise to do or not to do something particular

誓う, 約束する

誓う, 約束する

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to curb

to lessen the intensity of something or keep it under control, often through restraint or inhibition

抑える, 制限する

抑える, 制限する

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to attempt

to try to complete or do something difficult

試みる, 挑戦する

試みる, 挑戦する

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to control

to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done

コントロールする, 管理する

コントロールする, 管理する

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something that is hard to explain or understand, often involving a puzzling event or situation with an unknown explanation

神秘, 謎

神秘, 謎

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an assurance or declaration indicating the possible success or occurrence of something in the future

約束, 保証

約束, 保証

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to prohibit

to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law

禁止する, 禁じる

禁止する, 禁じる

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to request

to ask for something politely or formally

リクエストする, 頼む

リクエストする, 頼む

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to resign

to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.

辞任する, 辞職する

辞任する, 辞職する

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