Kniha Insight - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Jednotka 6 - 6A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 6 - 6A v učebnici Insight Upper-Intermediate, jako je "agenda", "delve", "důvěryhodnost" atd.
a list of things that need to be considered, solved, or done
program, agenda
to put someone or something in a position in which they are vulnerable or are at risk
odhalit, vystavit
illegal and dishonest behavior of someone, particularly one who is in a position of power
korupce, rozklad
to find someone or something, often by following a series of clues or evidence
sledovat, stopovat
somewhere, someone, or something that originates something else
zdroj, původ
a piece of information or story that is circulated among a group of people, often without being confirmed as true or accurate
to be deceived or tricked by someone or something
naletět na, sletět na
the absence or insufficiency of something, often implying a deficiency or shortage
nedostatek, absence
a quality that renders a thing or person as trustworthy or believable
(of a video, picture, piece of news, etc.) shared quickly on social media among a lot of Internet users
virální, virální
the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.
nadpis, titulek
a fraudulent or deceptive act or scheme intended to trick or fool people
podvod, fáma
to move quickly and with urgency, often in a disorderly manner
hnout se, vydat se
to dig into the ground, turning, loosening, or removing soil
hloubit, kopat
fitted or equipped with necessary rigging (sails and shrouds and stays etc)
vybavený, plachtěný
an attempt to conceal something, often an illegal or unethical action or situation
zakrývání, pokrýtí
the fact of being responsible for what someone does and being able to explain the reasons
odpovědnost, zodpovědnost
easily hurt, often due to weakness or lack of protection
zranitelný, bezbranný
experiencing great shock or sadness
zdevastovaný, zdrcený
a guessing game that involves at least two players in which participants ask a question that has a surprising or clever answer
hádanka, záhada
a precious or semi-precious piece of stone cut and polished to make items of jewelry
drahokam, kamen
to officially forbid a particular action, item, or practice
zakázat, prohibovat
(law) a formal statement made by someone confirming or denying their accusation
námitka, žaloba
an attempt or effort made to obtain or do something
nabídka, pokoušení
to make a sincere promise to do or not to do something particular
přísahat, slíbit
to lessen the intensity of something or keep it under control, often through restraint or inhibition
krotit, omezovat
to try to complete or do something difficult
pokoušet se, zkusit
to have power over a person, company, country, etc. and to decide how things should be done
řídit, ovládat
something that is hard to explain or understand, often involving a puzzling event or situation with an unknown explanation
záhada, tajemství
an assurance or declaration indicating the possible success or occurrence of something in the future
slib, příslib
to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law
zakazovat, zabraňovat
to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.
rezignovat, odstoupit