
本 Total English - 中級 - ユニット 9 - 語彙

ここには、Total English Intermediate コースブックの Unit 9 - Vocabulary にある「ガソリン」、「高速道路」、「優先順位」などの単語が表示されます。









Total English - Intermediate

a place that has a few rooms for people to live in, normally part of a building that has other such places on each floor

アパート, マンション

アパート, マンション

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a place with a few rooms in which people live, normally part of a building with other such places on each floor

アパート, フラット

アパート, フラット

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cell phone

a phone that we can carry with us and use anywhere because it has no wires

携帯電話, スマートフォン

携帯電話, スマートフォン

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mobile phone

a cellular phone or cell phone; ‌a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

携帯電話, モバイルフォン

携帯電話, モバイルフォン

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a small piece of paper showing the foods and drinks that we have ordered in a restaurant, cafe, etc. and the amount that we have to pay

チェック, 請求書

チェック, 請求書

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a piece of printed paper that shows the amount of money a person has to pay for goods or services received

請求書, 明細書

請求書, 明細書

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a controlled-access highway that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

高速道路, 自由通行道

高速道路, 自由通行道

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a very wide road that has no intersections or cross-traffic and is designed for high-speed travel

高速道路, 自動車専用道路

高速道路, 自動車専用道路

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thin slices of potato that have been cooked in hot oil until they are crispy and golden brown

フライドポテト, ポテトフライ

フライドポテト, ポテトフライ

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thin slices of potato that are fried or baked until crispy and eaten as a snack

チップス, ポテトチップ

チップス, ポテトチップ

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a liquid fuel that is used in internal combustion engines such as car engines, etc.

ガソリン, 燃料

ガソリン, 燃料

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the system used for sending and delivering letters, packages, etc.

郵便, 郵便サービス

郵便, 郵便サービス

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the post

the official service or system responsible for delivering letters, parcels, and other mail to their intended recipients

郵便, 郵便サービス

郵便, 郵便サービス

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‌a large building or enclosed area, where many stores are placed

ショッピングモール, モール

ショッピングモール, モール

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shopping center

an area of stores or a group of stores built together in one area

ショッピングセンター, モール

ショッピングセンター, モール

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a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

映画, ムービー

映画, ムービー

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a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

映画, フィルム

映画, フィルム

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a room in a public place with a toilet in it

トイレ, お手洗い

トイレ, お手洗い

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the complete bathroom or restroom area, including facilities for personal hygiene and grooming

トイレ, バスルーム

トイレ, バスルーム

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a short written note of our education, skills, and job experiences that we send when trying to get a job

履歴書, レジュメ

履歴書, レジュメ

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round trip

a journey to a destination and back to the point of departure

往復旅行, 往復切符

往復旅行, 往復切符

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return ticket

a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again

往復券, 帰りの切符

往復券, 帰りの切符

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a type of sport where two teams, with eleven players each, try to kick a ball into a specific area to win points

サッカー, フットボール

サッカー, フットボール

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a sport played with a round ball between two teams of eleven players each, aiming to score goals by kicking the ball into the opponent's goalpost

サッカー, フットボール

サッカー, フットボール

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an underground railroad system, typically in a big city

地下鉄, サブウェイ

地下鉄, サブウェイ

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a city's railway system that is below the ground, usually in big cities

地下鉄, 地下鉄道

地下鉄, 地下鉄道

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a span of time which we do not work or go to school, and spend traveling or resting instead, particularly in a different city, country, etc.

休暇, バケーション

休暇, バケーション

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a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

休暇, ホリデー

休暇, ホリデー

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to prioritize

to give a higher level of importance or urgency to a particular task, goal, or objective compared to others

優先する, 優先順位をつける

優先する, 優先順位をつける

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to summarize

to give a short and simplified version that covers the main points of something

要約する, まとめる

要約する, まとめる

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the basic unit of measuring length that is equal to 100 centimeters



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curriculum vitae

a document that summarizes a person's academic and work history, often used in job applications or academic pursuits

履歴書, CV

履歴書, CV

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a liquid used by cars, trucks, etc. as a fuel

ガソリン, 燃料

ガソリン, 燃料

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a place, usually a building, with a stage where plays and shows are performed



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someone who is living next to us or somewhere very close to us

隣人, 隣人女性

隣人, 隣人女性

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The ability to understand, enjoy, or communicate what is funny or amusing

ユーモア, ユーモアのセンス

ユーモア, ユーモアのセンス

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the specific taste that a type of food or drink has

風味, 味

風味, 味

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to realize

to have a sudden or complete understanding of a fact or situation

気づく, 理解する

気づく, 理解する

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to criticize

to point out the faults or weaknesses of someone or something

批判する, 非難する

批判する, 非難する

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