used to encourage people to appreciate their friendships while recognizing the inevitability of change and separation, as any friendship may come to an end due to various circumstances
used to imply that history can be a predictor of future events, and that human behavior and societal patterns tend to repeat themselves, emphasizes the importance of learning from the past
used to emphasize the importance of living life to the fullest without fear of death, as it is an inevitable event that cannot be avoided
used to imply that even the most careful or well-prepared people or families can still experience unexpected mishaps or mistakes
used to convey the idea that regardless of the different routes taken, the ultimate outcome or result is predetermined and inevitable
used to imply that people have a tendency to dwell on things that cause them pain or discomfort, even if doing so only makes the situation worse
used to suggest that some things are out of human control and that people should not waste their time and energy worrying about things they cannot change