(of colors) intense and easy to see
鮮やかな, 明るい
having a deep yellow color or the color of gold
金色の, ゴールドの
having a shiny, grayish-white color or the color of the metal silver
銀色の, 銀色
having a particular color other than black or white
色付き, カラフルな
light in color or shade
淡い, 薄い
the quality of being completely black
黒さ, 暗さ
the quality or degree of being bright in color
明るさ, 輝度
the quality of being dark in color
暗さ, ダーク
the quality of being light or pale in color
軽さ, 明るさ
having a lot of different and often bright colors
カラフル, 色とりどり
(of someone's hair or an animal's fur) bright orange-brown in color
ジンジャー, オレンジ
a light brownish-orange color
ジンジャー, ジンジャー色
having a bright yellow color like the metal gold
黄金の, 金色の
any variation of one color, including darker or lighter versions
色合い, シェード
(of colors or light) very intense or bright
having a pale, light brown color like sand
deep reddish-brown in color
differences in color or in brightness and darkness that an artist uses in a painting or photograph to create a special effect
コントラスト, 違い
grayish-green in color
オリーブ色, オリーブ
having a pale yellowish-brown color
薄茶色, ベージュ
(of colors) bright and strong
having a bluish-purple color
バイオレット, 紫色の
greenish-blue in color
not very bright or strong in color or shade
ニュートラル, 薄い
having a light yellowish-white color
クリーム, 薄いベージュ
(of colors) not very bright or vibrant
鈍い, 淡い
having a pinkish-red color
バラ色の, ピンク色の
having a bright red color
(especially of hair) pale yellowish-brown in color
砂色の, 淡い茶色の
(of a picture or photograph) containing or portraying images in black and white or different shades of a single color only
モノクローム, 白黒
hard to notice or detect
微妙な, 微細な
to become brighter or clearer in color
明るくする, 軽くする